Monday, July 12, 2010

The Jesus you cant ignore--by John MacArthur

picture Jesus in your he laughing? love in his eyes? maybe holding a sheep or a child? what about a look of anger? maybe yelling? do you see him as one who might start a fight?

John uses yrs of sermons about jesus and his life, plus bible scripture, to compose a radical look at jesus. a jesus of hard truth, and absolute discust in the religion practice of that day. john makes mention, "that Jesus' harshest words were reserved for instintutionalized religious hypocrisy." the thesis, "we can not be men-pleasers, and servents of christ at the same time."

I would reccomend this book to anyone who is dedicated to seeking Jesus.
"The Jesus you cant ignore" give a pretty accurate insight on how we have became a civilization of not rocking the boat, but we need tostep up and defend the gospel, sometimes even from those we least expect to.

(this book was an advanced copy given by Thomas nelson for review)

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