I was at a men’s bible study the other night and we started talking about prayer. so I t got me thinking...What is Prayer? what was it intended for? and when did it start?
What is prayer?
Webster's encyclopedic unabridged dictionary 
defines it as: "1: a devout petition to GOD or and object of worship; 2: a spiritual communion with GOD or an object of worship.
petition simply is: to beg for or request; communion..(hmm sounds like communication) is: and interchange of thought or emotions; I.e.
intimate communication
so, prayer is a conversation that is held for GOD. (I personally don’t believe idols deserve prayer, so I’m not including
an object of worship. sorry!) I said something that kind of made sense.." Prayer is the mortal tool for communicating to GOD" it is a tool just as a telephone is a tool. for all yall that have cell phones, you like mobility, well you've always had "spiritual service." and unlike some providers (*cough*
*cough* J/K) you always have full bars.
ok so prayer is a communication tool. so what do I do with it? this is tough. I personally believe that I can talk to god (pray)about anything; help to control my attitude; peace in the house; get to work on time....lol. I’m sure he delights in everything that we say to him; Praise him!!!!! thank him!!!! be flooded with adoration for him. think about it..... don’t you like praise? we're in his image. what do you like to hear/) ask for his love and forgiveness. it don’t mater if you stole a million dollars or ate your wife’s last chocolate....(ummm I really wouldn’t suggest that by the way) we all are in need of his Grace, ask for your needs to be met, for it says " ask and it will be given; to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" ( Luke 11:9 NIV )
ok prayer is communication to GOD for worship and praise, and for our needs and wants. So when did prayer start?
the first mention of prayer is in genesis 20:17 when Abraham prayed for healing of Abimelech, his wife and his slave girls. that’s the first prayer mentioned, but what about direct contact? Abraham, Noah, Adam all talked to god, held dialog, communicated, intimate conversations... they expressed desires, petitions to god, their needs and wants. in genesis 18 Abraham "haggles" or "barters" for Sodom. in vs. 27 Abraham says: "Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord,..." he was praying...by definition he expressed his thoughts,. Even emotions, to GOD. and GOD answered ( albeit directly) but we to look for answers too? just a matter of weather we hear the answer that god gives us. but that is a discussion for another day.
summery... PRAY!!!!!! talk to god use your spiritual phone and talk. he's always there and willing to listen. tell him about your day, the trouble , the victories, and throw your burdens upon him. "PRAYER IS THE MORTAL TOOL USED TO COMMUNICATE TO GOD" Have you "called" your FATHER today?